
朝向獲美國業界高度評價   Stick for Kids專案成功啟動
    朝向管理集團是美國高爾夫球場建造者協會(GCBAA)Stick for Kids青少年普及專案在中國的獨家推廣機構。朝向集團聯合社會各界資源在全國範圍內推廣和普及青少年高爾夫,積極推動中國高爾夫運動的發展。
    Stick for Kids於2009年正式在中國啟動,並取得了很大的成功。美國高爾夫建造者協會(GCBAA)及業界媒體對此事進行了報導,給予朝向集團高度的評價。
    Stick for Kids項目在中國的第一年獲得了很大的成功。自從7月份推出以來,這個計畫先後在在中國30個最大的城市包括北京和上海啟動。
    Stick for Kids項目在中國得到推廣,要歸功於美國高爾夫球場建造者協會(GCBAA)的國際會員朝向管理集團。作為中國最大的高爾夫球場建造公司之一,朝向管理集團為該專案提供了資金協助並與GCBAA一起合作,令項目順利啟動。
    Stick for Kids項目是專門為6歲至15歲的孩子提供高爾夫指導的。這個專案為青少年提供了一個學習高爾夫基礎知識的機會,包括站姿、握杆、劈起、切球、推杆及揮杆等。參與者同時還可以學到高爾夫安全、禮儀、誠實、自律及如何尊重自然環境。每次舉辦訓練營主辦方都會給孩子們提供10套球杆及球包在場地上使用。
    Stick for Kids作為GCBAA在美國成立的一個小項目,現在在美國50個州和8個軍事基地都設有活動。有超過20萬的美國青少年已經參與該項目,在2010年則計畫增加100個活動。
Sticks For Kids Program Off  To A Roaring Start In China
The inaugural year of the Sticks for Kids program in China has proven to be a huge success. Rolled out in July, the program was initiated in 30 of China's largest cities, including Beijing and Shanghai.
Getting Sticks for Kids in China, was in large part due to the efforts of Golf Course Builders Association of America (GCBAA) International Member Forward Management Group. One of the largest golf course construction companies in that country, Forward Management Group provided funding and worked in conjunction with the GCBAA Foundation to get the project off the ground.
With support of CITIC Bank, a total of 90 camps are being held across China in 2009 with an estimated 5,000 kids participating. Plans for 2010 include establishing Sticks for Kids at an additional 30 camp sites in China.
Sticks for Kids is a program designed to provide golf instruction to children ages 6 to 15. The program gives youth the opportunity to learn golf fundamentals such as stance, gripping, pitching, chipping, putting and swinging. Participants also learn golf safety, etiquette, integrity, discipline and how to be good environmental stewards. Each hosting program receives 10 sets of golf clubs with bags for the children to use on site.
A pet project of the GCBAA Foundation, Stick for Kids has already been well established in the United States with programs in all 50 states and 8 military bases. Well over 200,000 youth have participated in programs in the U.S. with 100 more programs planned for 2010.

