


2009-04-07   吉姆-詹森(Jim Johnson)

   Golf Training Fundamentals

  (Jim Johnson  Coach of the China National Team)

  Lately, the China National Team members have struggled with their scoring in two competitive events, sparking negative comments on the internet regarding our training methods and our vision for building the skills and abilities of these talented players.  Controversy can be good.  It tests the players, the coaches and the institutions and provides an opportunity to measure the character and inner resolve of the individual golfers

  Golf is an Individual Sport:

  Just as power moves from inside out, so does desire to play this game.  If pressure from parents, family or institution is what drives the golfer, then I give that person little chance of succeeding at golf or life.  We all want the golfers to play well, but I believe the way to achieve golfing success is to empower the individual golfer to be in control of his or her golf and life.

  Golf is an individual sport.  No team members are there to hit the shots for the players.  If a player is having trouble putting, no other player can step in and help.  Parents, friends, and supporters often do try, but this interference will only hurt the players scoring ability, never help.  Team sports like basketball are different, if a player is having trouble, another player can step up and shoot the ball.  Not in golf

  Golf is an up and down sport, some days everything goes well, some days it doesn't.  Most golfers are not able to choose a quality training path and stick with it, because when the inevitable bad rounds come, they move on to some other trick, always looking for short term scoring secrets--quick fixes to help them get their feel back.  A tip may work one day, then the next week, they're back to searching for the next tip that will help them find their game again.  Great players do not train this way. Top golfers work on solid fundamentals and stick to them regardless of any one or series of poor performances.

  I have seen hundreds of talented golfers go down this wrong path- largely due to the nature of the game.  Most good golfers hit about 10% of their shots well; the rest are somewhere between pretty good and poor.  Golfers panic because they realize they have no control over the outcome of any one shot.  What the golfer does have control over is how they think and how they train.  It's not that complicated, but it does take an incredible amount of determination, hard work and belief in ones God given abilities.

  The fundamentals of our Training Program:

  We approach golf training with a view to building a complete picture of the golfers' abilities in all of the areas below:

  We have built our training program using research from the top golf testing and research center in the world, the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI).  TPI uses 3-dimensional motion analysis to measure the swing efficiency of most of the top 100 golfers in the world.  Researchers have concluded that the best swings in the world, though they may look very different, all generate power in similar patterns.  That is, power is generated from the ground up, from the feet to the hips, then to the shoulders, hands, and finally to the club head.  Like the cracking of a whip, the energy moves up through the body in a chain reaction that produces the maximum energy transfer to the club head.

  In order to perform this move correctly, the human body must have certain ranges of motion, and the foundation of this efficient move comes from a strong and powerful core.  The TPI method is based on the best long-term golf fitness research available and has helped many of the top PGA tour players to improve their games.  For more information, see www.mytpi.com

  This is the course we're on, not because it's the only path, but because it is the path that the best players in the world are on.  

  What makes a great golfer?

  More than anything else, great golf comes down to characterhaving the ability to stay the course, to reject fear, to commit to the fundamentals instead of seeking after quick fixes.  I've seen a lot of talented players in the States make the same mistake, always changing their course, listening to every coach and every player for their opinion, trying to grasp at something that will help them play better the next day.  Golf is uncertain and leads to this kind of behavior, but the great golfers rise above that.  They stick with the fundamentals and keep working on them, over and over, knowing that time and commitment will bring better scores

  The fact is, most people do not have the characterthe mental and emotional makeup to become a great long-term golfer.  There are many golfers with short-term success, but few who develop the stamina and commitment to weather the ups and downs of competitive golf over the long-term.  Time will show who has character and who doesn't.

  Many players are just too afraid of looking bad to be able to stay the course when they aren't playing well.  One thing is certain, golf will make every player, no matter how great they are, look bad at times.  The great players are able to remain sure of themselves when everyone around them is doubtful, and they continue to work hard at the basics, motivated from the inside, rather than from fear of what others think

  The world's top golfers are those who think independently- those unafraid of looking bad.  We want to help the team members grow into world class players, and in order to do that they are going to have to think like world class players, to train like world class players, and to develop an independence of mind that does not worry about their scores being negatively affected in the short term, or of the bad things that people say about them

  We are proud of the hard work and positive changes made by the players on the China National Team.  We want to encourage China's golfing community, and especially the parents of talented players, to be patient and to think long-term about what real success will take.  There is a wise saying, "The patient spirit is better than the proud spirit."  In order to protect how they are viewed by others, many parents and players anxiously seek quick fixes and short-term solutions.  Great players stick to the fundamentals and practice them over and over again

  Let's strive to develop characterthe ability to rise above concern about what others think in order make wise decisions about how to reach long-term, lasting results

  We are impressed with Mr. Zhang's leadership of the CGA.  He has the vision and willingness to implement real, long-term changes for the development of golf in China.  We look forward to continued success as we see the players growing in all areas of their game and becoming the kinds of golfers that can make it on the world stage















   優秀的高爾夫,比起別的行業,更需要追根溯源到品格:有能力呆在球場上,克服恐懼,執著於基本功,而不是找捷徑。 我見過美國很多球員犯同樣錯誤,總是不斷變換他們的訓練體系,聽從每個教練、每個球員的意見,總試著獲取什麼,以便第二天就能打得好。正是高爾夫的不確定性,引起了這種情況的普遍存在,但是優秀球員會克服這種行為。他們堅持基本原則,反復練習,始終如一,知道最終時間和委身會帶來更好的競賽成績。


  很多球員在沒打好時,就會過分擔心難堪的表現,因此離開球場。 有一點是確定的,不管這位球員有多傑出,高爾夫會讓每一位球員經歷難堪。優秀球員會堅持他們的選擇,就算周圍每個人都持有懷疑意見。他們會在發自內心的動力驅使下,繼續努力進行基本功訓練,而不是源於懼怕他人的看法!

  世界頂尖球員都能獨立思考,不怕丟臉。我們要幫助國家隊的球員們逐漸成長為像世界級球員。 國家隊球員們必須以世界級球員方式思考,訓練,以期具有獨立人格,不必擔心短期內他們的成績下降,或擔心人們會怎麼評論。

  我們非常自豪國家隊隊員們的努力訓練和積極改變。 我們想鼓勵中國高爾夫球界,特別是這些有潛力的隊員們的父母親,能耐心、並以長遠的眼光思考真正的成功需要的付出。西方有這樣的諺語‘存心忍耐的,勝過居心驕傲的。’很多父母和球員為了保護臉面,急功近利;但優秀的球員需要堅持基本原則:反復訓練



